From Wetting Her Panties we have Nicki and Rachel T they are outside and desperate to pee, there bladders are bulging and they are just trying to hold on and then pee starts to flow into Nicki’s jeans. How sexy is it and as Nicki is peeing in her jeans Rachel is rubbing her bum. Nicki from Wetting Her Panties really does give her jeans a good soaking with pee and the pee stain is wonderful.

Not content with just peeing her jeans Nicki makes Rachel turn around an bend over and with some encouragement Rachel starts to pee in her jeans as Nicki is feeling her bum and crotch through the jeans. This really is a hot jeans peeing movie From Wetting her panties and if you look at Rachel’s nipples at the end they look a little hard so you know she has been enjoying peeing in her jeans while Nicki has been feeling her up. Such sexy wet pissed in jeans. Wetting her panties has done it again

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