Please let me know in the comments if there are any issues with the new layout.
It should make mobile browsing much easier.
Please let me know in the comments if there are any issues with the new layout.
It should make mobile browsing much easier.
In my opinion….Much more easy and Organized with this new layout.
Thank you!
I agree! Although I was so used to having to enter my name first.
It is great !
Thanks to you all its great you like it.
seems cleaner but I do miss the old style tags a bit
I liked the shortcut you had in the old layout where I could click on the models name and all her content was available immediately. Otherwise I enjoy the new layout, thanks.
PeeloverEd If you click on the title of the post on the main page you will get the individual post page, under the content there are the tags with links to model pages.